Mile #30 in honor of Victoria

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I'm sending my daughter's info a long to see if she could be included in the race.  Here is her FB page

Victoria “Turtle” Williams was born in August of 2015 to two loving parents and three big sisters.  Around a year and half old her mom started noticing that Victoria always seemed unhappy, unusual for a child that age.  She would scream in pain during diaper and clothing change and hated baths and being tickled.  One day while pushing her little shopping cart, she fell and screamed in pain.  After a nap and still refusing to walk and still appearing to be in pain, her mom took her to the ER.  There she was misdiagnosed with a pediatric fracture that was treated for months but, of course, didn’t fix the problem.  Then on June 13th, 2017 blood work confirmed what I could have never imagined at the time.  Leukemia. 

Victoria went through over 2.5 years of chemotherapy, had over 30 spinal taps, and Suffered through side effects of life draining and saving medication.  She finished her treatment on her fourth birthday in 2019.  She continued to go regularly for blood draws and labs.  She was doing great and to our surprise she remembered little of what she had been through. 

Then in October of 2021, those labs confirmed my growing suspicions and Victoria relapsed the week before Halloween.   She had recently started complaining of leg pain, she seemed less happy, and just not her normal self, because the cancer was returning.

Now we are fighting a new fight all over.  She’s older and more scared.  She’s smart and asks the tough questions that parents don’t want to answer.

Deep down though, she’s just a little girl that likes to play outside and twirl.


Thanks again,

Crystal Williams

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