Mile #43 in honor of Shane

Total: $25

(1 Funders)


Hi Tom: 

Be safe out there on this last journey and thank you for carrying all of our children with you.  It has always been an honor to have Shane run with you and no, it wouldn't be the same if he wasn't part of this final race.  Here is Shane's story and photo attached:

Shane Christian Blake a.k.a. "Ironman Shane" would have been 3 years old one month after he passed away on May 4, 2014.  He was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia on September 3, 2013. Because of his diagnosis all of Shane's treatment was in patient.  Treatment that consisted of multiple courses of chemotherapy, blood transfusions, platelet transfusions, total boyd irradiation and ultimately bone marrow transplant.  None of these "treatments" saved him.  He fought hard and never let the treatments knock him down.  He was tough like his favorite superhero, Ironman, and he quickly became everyone's superhero. He forever is with us in our hearts until we see him again. Shane's last words that i don't share too often but appropriately fitting for this last race..."don't cry mom. Jesus will take care of me. Jesus will make me all better."  I can only imagine how he will look when we see him again.  Forever our Ironman. With love always: Mom, Dad, sissy. brother, Mimi, Mampa, Uncle Richie and Auntie Cookie. 

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  • Joan Turrisi $25
    7 months ago